
This repository contains my own implementation of the final exam of the mobile development 2 module (Master ISI)

Primary LanguageDart

Student CoLoCo - Mobile developemment 2 Exam

This repository contains my own implementation of the final exam of the mobile development 2 module (Master ISI)

Table of Contents

Features (use cases)

Done ? User Role Action
✔️ User 1- Be able to show listing of availabe housings
✔️ User 2- Be able to browse details of specific housing
✔️ User 3- Be able to show location of a housing on the map
✔️ User 4- Be able to add housing offer
✔️ User 5- Be able to call housing owner
✔️ User 6- Be able to add demand
✔️ User 7- Be able to browse demands

Installation & testing

  • clone it => git clone https://github.com/MouadZIANI/Flutter_EXAM.git or download it
  • Go to project root and execute the following command in console to get the required dependencies: => flutter pub get
  • Then lunch your emilator and run this command flutter run

Used technologies

  • Flutter Cross platfrom mobile Framework.
  • Firebase As Backend API Realtime database.
  • Google map Map lib for flutter
  • Figma For prototyping
  • Git& Github for version control.


Login Register
Offer listing Offer details
Offer location Call offer owner
Add new offer select images of offer

And more ...


Software Engineering Student
