
Use Highlight.js in your Django templates, the Django way.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

🎉 Welcome to django-highlightjs 🎉

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Use Highlight.js in your Django templates, the Django way.

🚀 Installation

  1. Install using pip:

    pip install django-highlightjs

    Alternatively, you can download or clone this repo and call:

    pip install -e .
  2. Add to INSTALLED_APPS in your settings.py:

  3. In your templates, load the highlightjs library and use the highlightjs_* tags.

⚙️ Settings

The django-highlightjs has some pre-configured settings. They can be modified by adding a dict variable called HIGHLIGHTJS in your settings.py and customizing the values you want. The HIGHLIGHTJS dict variable contains these settings and defaults:

   # The URL to the jQuery JavaScript file
   'jquery_url': '//code.jquery.com/jquery.min.js',
   # The highlight.js base URL
   'base_url': '//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/highlight.js/11.7.0/highlight.min.js',
   # The complete URL to the highlight.js CSS file
   'css_url': '//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/highlight.js/11.7.0/styles/{0}.min.css',
   # Include jQuery with highlight.js JavaScript (affects django-highlightjs template tags)
   'include_jquery': False,
   # The default used style.
   'style': 'monokai_sublime',

Usage in your settings.py:

   'style': 'github',

All other styles are available at highlight.js styles.

📝 Example template

{% load highlightjs %}
   <link href="{% highlightjs_css_url %}" rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>
     {# Highlight Syntax using Highlightjs #}

     {% highlightjs_this code_to_highlight %}
     {% highlightjs_this code_to_highlight 'python' %}

     {% highlightjs_javascript jquery=1 %}

🛠️ Requirements

  • Python 3.10, 3.11, or 3.12
  • Django >= 4

Contributions and pull requests for other Django and Python versions are welcome.

🐞 Bugs and requests

If you have found a bug or if you have a request for additional functionality, please use the issue tracker on GitHub.

GitHub Issues

📜 License

You can use this under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for details.

👤 Author

My name is Mounir Messelmeni, you can reach me at messelmeni.mounir@gmail.com.