
Support for rounded rectangles

Opened this issue · 1 comments

They do not get un-highlighted correctly when another node/path is selected.

digraph {
	node [shape="rectangle", width="0.6", style="rounded, filled", fillcolor="#edad56", color="#edad56", penwidth="2", label=""]
	edge [color="#fcfcfc", fontcolor="#fcfcfc", penwidth="2", fontname="helvetica Neue Ultra Light"]
	n61 [fillcolor="#BDE5F2", color="#BDE5F2", label="Test"];
	n62 [fillcolor="#BDE5F2", color="#BDE5F2", label="Edge"];
	n63 [fillcolor="#BDE5F2", color="#BDE5F2", label="Another"];
	n64 [fillcolor="#BDE5F2", color="#BDE5F2", label="Final"];
	n61 -> n63 [label=""];
	n63 -> n64 [label="label"];
	n62 -> n64 [label="label"];

I believe the issue is this:

if (color.fill && $this.prop('tagName') != 'path') {
$this.attr('fill', getColor(color.fill, bg)) // don't set fill if it's a path

When using rounded the element is a path, here it gets excluded.