
Does RBUSH supports to use Latitude and Longitude?

raj1127 opened this issue · 5 comments

Can we use starting latitude/longitude and ending latitude/longitude of the rectangle instead of minx, miny, maxx and maxy to insert and search rbush tree?


Thanks for your reply. Just one question what is then

                    minX: (is it LEFT?)
                    minY: (is it TOP?)
                    maxX (is it RIGHT?)
                    maxY (is it BOTTOM?)

I will appreciate your reply.

In case of geographic locations, latitude goes from south to north, so minY is bottom and maxY is top. minX and maxX (longitude) are west and east respectively.

Thanks Vladimir. I appreciate it.


how can i use it on react native? Let's say list of coordinates, how can i calculate minX and Y and MaxX and Y