
Can anyone help me?

Closed this issue · 2 comments

SoloXV commented

I'm getting these errors when I cargo test and cargo run

[16:51:18][INFO] all_pools_len: 0
[16:51:18][INFO] Found 0 tokens worth of dust
thread 'main' panicked at 'called Result::unwrap() on an Err value: Invalid name: please ensure the contract and method you're calling exist! failed to decode empty bytes. if you're using jsonrpc this is likely due to jsonrpc returning 0x in case contract or method don't exist

Anyone know why? Maybe my erigon node isn't setup properly, I run it with --ws
The node is running.

Error 2

You need to deploy the contract

SoloXV commented

can you give me a indepth guide on how to deploy contract please? thank you.