
Trouble with GATK due to Cigar representation

Closed this issue · 2 comments


I just found out that for some reads right right after a deletion, Cigar information is changed. (Ex. 149M > 16D149M)

In aligned bam
M00288:85:000000000-A96N9:1:1103:13423:15386 163 chr17 7579660 70 149M = 7579755 244

In re-aligned bam
M00288:85:000000000-A96N9:1:1103:13423:15386 163 chr17 7579644 60 16D149M = 7579755

This causes some problems in GATK and MuTect. Would you please look into it?


This issue can be resolved by using an optional argument "-rf BadCigar" while performing GATK base quality recalibration.


Thanks for pointing this out along with the work around. I'll get a fix into an forthcoming release.