
Any changes in code generation since 1.4?

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Does the code generation have been updated in version 2.0?. In concrete I would like to know if the same program will be translated to the same set of VM instructions in 1.4 and 2.0 versions.

sjrd commented

There were changes, yes. Most notably because the instruction set is slightly different.
Most of the transformations are clearly visible here:

For example:

  • There is one more kind of registers: K registers, which are bound to the CodeArea, and basically contain literal constants, or in general any compile-time value spliced into the program (e.g., builtins)
  • deallocateL does not exist anymore. Locals are deallocated implicitly on return and tailCall instructions.
  • putConstant/setConstant disappeared, since arbitrary constants can be spliced in K registers

There were also changes to the object system. Most notably, self is no special value anymore, it's a normal parameter.

The locking mechanisms were lifted in user space, with methods written in Oz rather than supported by VM instructions.

There might be other stuff I forgot.