
Include a performance dashboard for energy intensive pages

Closed this issue · 1 comments

dzrw commented

When loading in Firefox on MacOS, the energy impact score spikes to 100% and the fan speeds up. I'm certain that other pages around the net also trigger such pathological cases, so it would be helpful if there were a good way to raise the visibility of these issues.

Hey @dzrw, thank you for opening this issue. The results displayed on this dashboard are from the performance tests we run in continuous integration, so the first step to introducing visualisations of that kind would be to introduce new tests. We have some experience with measuring resources such as cpu, memory, and power in our test harnesses, but most of this has focused on mobile and only for a small number of scenarios. Revisiting resource usage is likely to happen in 2021, but for specific performance issues like the one mentioned I would encourage you to report using this guide.