
Migrate content from MozillaWiki

Closed this issue · 6 comments

At this moment there is lot of (obsolete?) content on MozillaWiki in the L10n space. I suggest we should somehow systematically go through all of that and either migrate it here (and update) or archive it (remove all links pointing there and delete).

Even if we want to utilize the MozillaWiki somehow, I would suggest to put down a list of all pages and review them one by one. @mozilla-l10n/pm-group what procedure do you suggest? I volunteer to help at least with mapping the content we have and some small triage of pages I would understand.

Good question, I don't know if we've ever discussed the future of l10n section of MozillaWiki (or I don't remember). There's really a lot of content there, and as you say lot's of it is outdated (just looking at our roles description there... ;) ).
I think we should probably have a discussion about this with the entire l10n-drivers team, and work from there.
I wonder if here is the right place for the content to live though, since it isn't really localizer documentation per-say. Some parts might be, though, so as you say we should triage it at least.
Also it seems that a lot of info is cross-referenced here:
I wonder how we can consolidate all this. Thanks in any case for shaking up old things Michal, and for the help you propose!
Maybe others have ideas around this?

All the info there is obsolete. These days the MozillaWiki l10n section is only used to keep track of meeting agendas. To my knowledge, there are no maintainers for MozillaWiki, so I'm not sure who to contact about removing (or archiving) pages.

To my knowledge, there are no maintainers for MozillaWiki

I'm quite sure we have someone

I'm not sure all this information is obsolete - many of the links there still link to relevant information. Some need to be updated partially (and some more than others), and other places need to be archived. I think that's the part that Michal said he could help with, as much as he understands.
What I don't know is where we'd end up putting this "still relevant information" and how we'd structure it. Maybe we're good enough just updating everything on the MozillaWiki - or we want to find a new place for it to live.

Pike commented

@gueroJeff, I think we should reach out to mhoye for both you and I to get permission to delete pages on wikimo.

Need to create a project for this in the repo, define milestones, and tie project issues to those milestones. I'll work on that this week and next.