
VPN icons still rendered the "connected" status even after I was disconnected

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No idea how this happened, but my Firefox VPN on Android got into a broken/misleading state today.


  • Initially, I was connected to the VPN.
  • After some time, I was disconnected (this happens to me periodically, not sure why; see #187 where I discuss this as well).
  • After some more time, I opened my Firefox VPN app, and it showed a broken/inconsistent state:
    ** The slider & globe icon rendered as if I were still connected...
    ** ...but the text said that I was not connected -- it said "VPN is off. Turn it on to protect your entire device"


This was with version 0.9.0(900) as shown in Settings|About (and I only ever noticed this problem once).

Looks like there's a newer version available as of now; I'll post here if I hit this again with the newer version.