
creating a scheduled change for the v1 release set product to null

Closed this issue · 2 comments

AFAICT product was set in the request, but ended up getting dropped somewhere before the UPDATE statement was generated.

I also tried a POST request to with this data:

    "when": 1597508100000,
    "sc_data_version": 5,
    "data_version": 1986492,
    "name": "Firefox-mozilla-central-nightly-latest",
    "product": "Firefox"

...and the request was accepted, but product still remained null.

This isn't an issue for v2 releases. I'm going to prioritize getting that work completed after 81 ships. I don't think it's worth fixing this for v1 releases.

v2 releases are landed and sticking for nightly. We're going to ride the trains for the other branches, but I'm going to call this done.