
Proposal to change moNumber and mtNumber to something more straightforward

Natim opened this issue · 4 comments

moNumber means: The server number to where you should send the SMS.
mtNumber means: The server number from where you will receive the SMS

In that case we could try to rename it in different ways:

  • serverToNumber
  • serverFromNumber


  • moToNumber
  • mtFromNumber

I was also thinking of:

  • mobileOriginatedToNumber
  • mobileTerminatedFromNumber

Do you have any preference?

Good idea, mt/mo are a bit unclear.

  • your last proposal is are too long :)
  • moToNumber is not really clearer than moNumber I think.

also, the notion of server is a bit vague here I think - since the number will be shared across servers.
what about : verifierNumber and senderNumber ?

moVerifierNumber and mtSenderNumber then :)

Or just moVerifier and mtSender maybe?

works for me! what do you think @ferjm ?