
Not all Top Sites and Highlights show their correct image preview when dragged

Closed this issue · 1 comments

[Affected versions]:

  • Firefox 58.0a1 Build ID 20171108110838

[Affected Platforms]:

  • All Windows
  • All Mac
  • All Linux


  • Have a clean new profile.
  • Have a sync account with enough History and Bookmarks to populate the sections.

[Steps to reproduce]:

  1. Open the browser with the profile from prerequisites and sync your history.
  2. Restart the browser and open a new tab.
  3. Wait for Top Sites to load images.
  4. Drag all the Top Sites and observe their previews.

[Expected results]:

  • The Top Site images are shown as a drag previews.

[Actual results]:

  • Some Top Sites show a white preview.


  • The issue is also reproducible when dragging Highlights.
  • If you drag the tiles a second time they will show their correct image preview.
  • Attached a screen recording of the issue:
    missing preview when dragging a top site or highlight