params vs body in PUT request
Closed this issue · 1 comments
zeph commented
I had to switch the usage of PUT /teams/:id/repos/:org/:repo
this way...
- status, data = gh.teams[infra_central_id].repos[org['login']][repo_name].put(permission="push")
- if status != 204:
- print colored('X', 'red'),
+ payload={"permission": "push"}
+ status, data = gh.teams[infra_central_id].repos[org['login']][repo_name].put(body=payload)
+ if status != 204:
+ print colored('X', 'red'),
either else it would have not worked
is it intended, or a bug worth looking at?
gene1wood commented
This behavior is intended. Here's some info in the docs about using the body