
Error on proxyAutoconfigUrl set to null

Closed this issue · 21 comments

Firefox Version

52.0 beta 8


I'm using Linux, but it probably happens on all of them

Steps to reproduce -

./geckodriver-0.14.0 -b firefox52b8/firefox

curl -d '{"desiredCapabilities": {"proxy": {"proxyAutoconfigUrl": null}}, "requiredCapabilities": {}}' http://localhost:4444/session

Firefox starts up correctly and Marionette appears to handle this just fine, but Geckodriver returns an error:

"error":"session not created",
"message":"Expected [object String] \"proxyType\" in [object Object] {\"proxyAutoconfigUrl\":null}",
"stacktrace":"stack backtrace:
   0:           0x4e0eed - backtrace::backtrace::trace::had1fe133e10f4f84
   1:           0x4e13b2 - backtrace::capture::Backtrace::new::hea6d366cd875d5b7
   2:           0x43dc86 - geckodriver::marionette::MarionetteSession::response::h65e4938ffab7411a
   3:           0x43b542 - <geckodriver::marionette::MarionetteHandler as webdriver::server::WebDriverHandler<geckodriver::marionette::GeckoExtensionRoute>>::handle_command::h847e3041a2edbf86
   4:           0x4098ff - std::panicking::try::do_call::h3c184502ab82dbaa
   5:           0x5801da - panic_unwind::__rust_maybe_catch_panic
                        at /buildslave/rust-buildbot/slave/stable-dist-rustc-musl-linux/build/obj/../src/libpanic_unwind/
   6:           0x41c9e4 - <F as alloc::boxed::FnBox<A>>::call_box::h1e0e39839fbedd5b
   7:           0x576944 - alloc::boxed::{{impl}}::call_once<(),()>
                        at /buildslave/rust-buildbot/slave/stable-dist-rustc-musl-linux/build/obj/../src/liballoc/
                         - std::sys_common::thread::start_thread
                        at /buildslave/rust-buildbot/slave/stable-dist-rustc-musl-linux/build/obj/../src/libstd/sys_common/
                         - std::sys::imp::thread::{{impl}}::new::thread_start
                        at /buildslave/rust-buildbot/slave/stable-dist-rustc-musl-linux/build/obj/../src/libstd/sys/unix/"

This error does not occur on Firefox 51.0.1.

According to the specification it should be a string type.

It still seems wrong to launch Firefox and then return the error, doesn't it? Also, the other string capabilities in the "proxy" object don't cause this (e.g., "httpProxy").

If you're insistent that this is OK behavior, then I can take this over to Selenium and make sure language bindings never pass null, as they seem to sometimes do now.

We currently do capabilities parsing in Firefox itself, because that is where Marionette lives. We expect this to move to geckodriver soon-ish, so that Firefox is not started if the capabilities passed are invalid.

When I implemented capabilities parsing in Marionette, I tried to follow the specification as it were at the time with regards to parsing proxy settings. It seems to have improved somewhat since then, but it still says proxyAutoconfigUrl should be a string type. Other properties we get from JSON Objects that are null or undefined are ignored, so I do feel that the proxy configuration object as described in the spec right now are slightly out of sync with what we do elsewhere.

In my opinion, we should ignore all properties which values are null or undefined, so I will look into whether we need to raise a spec bug on this.

Waiting for a fix or clarification of the spec, do you see any workaround about this?

The “workaround” is to not define the fields holding null values. E.g. {proxyAutoconfigUrl: null}{}.

Too bad, it does not help.

11:10:27.751 WARN - Exception: java.util.HashMap cannot be cast to java.lang.String
11:10:27.766 INFO - Executing: [new session: Capabilities [{proxy={proxyAutoconfigUrl={}, httpProxy=, sslProxyPort=65497, proxyType=MANUAL, httpProxyPort=65497, sslProxy=}, marionette=true, browserName=firefox, version=, platform=ANY, firefox_profile=UEsDBBQACAgIAE1ZYUoAAAAAAAAAA...}]])

Well proxyAutoconfigUrl should certainly not be an object: proxy={proxyAutoconfigUrl={}

Hum, sorry I read too quickly your previous message.

The point is that proxyAutoconfigUrl needs to be either a string or undefined (missing) currently.

Any updates on this one? any ETA? This issue with firefox and the proxy holding us from upgrading the grid and moving to selenium 3.
My Last test was using Firefox 52, selenium 3.3.1 and geckodriver 0.15.0 and with the next capabilities for the proxy:

  1. desiredCapabilities.proxy = {proxyType: 'direct'};
  2. desiredCapabilities.proxy = {
    proxyType: "manual",
    httpProxy: proxyUrl,
    sslProxy: proxyUrl

Both didn't work since the invalidArgumentError

  1. message: 'InvalidArgumentError: Expected [object String] "{\"proxyAutoconfigUrl\":null,\"socksUsername\":null,\"socksPassword\":null,\"autodetect\":false,\"httpProxy\":null,\"proxyType\":\"DIRECT\",\"noProxy\":null,\"ftpProxy\":null,\"socksProxy\":null,\"hCode\":832656744,\"class\":\"org.openqa.selenium.Proxy\",\"sslProxy\":null}" to be an object (WARNING: The server did not provide any stacktrace information)\nCommand duration or timeout: 0 milliseconds\nBuild info: version: '3.3.1', revision: '5234b32', time: '2017-03-10 09:04:52 -0800'\nSystem info: host: 'xxx', ip: '', 'Mac OS X', os.arch: 'x86_64', os.version: '10.12.3', java.version: '1.8.0_60'\nDriver info: driver.version: FirefoxDriver',

  2. message: 'InvalidArgumentError: Expected [object String] "{\"proxyAutoconfigUrl\":null,\"socksUsername\":null,\"socksPassword\":null,\"autodetect\":false,\"httpProxy\":\"localhost:8087\",\"proxyType\":\"MANUAL\",\"noProxy\":null,\"ftpProxy\":null,\"socksProxy\":null,\"hCode\":1558851061,\"class\":\"org.openqa.selenium.Proxy\",\"sslProxy\":\"localhost:8087\"}" to be an object (WARNING: The server did not provide any stacktrace information)\nCommand duration or timeout: 0 milliseconds\nBuild info: version: '3.3.1', revision: '5234b32', time: '2017-03-10 09:04:52 -0800'\nSystem info: host: 'xxx', ip: '', 'Mac OS X', os.arch: 'x86_64', os.version: '10.12.3', java.version: '1.8.0_60'\nDriver info: driver.version: FirefoxDriver',_

Which binding are you using? Given your capabilities you are not setting 'proxyAutoconfigUrl', but something actually sets proxyAutoconfigUrl and others to null. Because of that it's failing.

Probably selenium passing null values, you can also see that other variables are null such: socksUsername, ftpProxy and more.

I also see that there are few issues related to proxy (0.16.0) , could be same root cause:
#669, #657 ,

geckodriver wants lowercase proxyType so, intead of MANUAL, send manual ;)

@andreastt, I had another look at this and actually we have different issues here with the originally filed code:

  1. The failure @juangj gets is not because proxyAutoconfigUrl is null, but there is no entry for proxyType in the capabilities. As such Marionette bails out. Shouldn't this be a required property when defining proxy settings? I would suggest to raise a better message when it is missing.

  2. With proxyType set to pac we indeed get a failure in checking the type of proxyAutoconfigUrl. This also happens for any other kind of proxy. Here proxyAutoconfigUrl should only be checked if proxyType is set to pac but not otherwise. So this property should be optional. I cannot see that we mark it that way in the spec. Should we update that?

  3. With both 1) and 2) fixed Marionette returns a valid session, but webdriver-rust fails now in extracting the data.

I would like to fix all the issues in, but would need some feedback first from @andreastt to the above issues.

    desiredCapabilities.proxy = {proxyType: 'direct'};

@eyal919, this is a different issue and doesn't fit into here. But anyway I will let you know that I fixed that recently via bug 1387092. It will need a new geckodriver release, and Firefox 57.0.

    desiredCapabilities.proxy = {
    proxyType: "manual",
    httpProxy: proxyUrl,
    sslProxy: proxyUrl

I'm currently refactoring all the code around manual proxy settings right now on bug 1369827. It will have the same target as the issue above.

Regarding the original issue here, my patch on bug 1391016 should improve the failure message. But we still need bug 1370959 fixed which moves all checks over to geckodriver.

Please note that everything except the noProxy capability as has been discussed here is available now in Firefox 57.0 Nightly. To actually use it with geckodriver you will have to wait for the next release, or build it from source on your own.

If you still see problems please file a new issue. Thanks.

I will only keep this issue open to really fix the original issue as reported by @juangj. As it looks like by using curl directly we bypass the validate_proxy checks.

As it looks like by using curl directly we bypass the validate_proxy checks.

What do you mean by this? An HTTP request is an HTTP request.

Note that the capabilities JSON Object used in the curl request is now incorrect, however. It should be updated to use the WebDriver conforming capabilities negotiation.

I think this is correct, but I haven’t tested it:

curl -d '{"capabilities": {"alwaysMatch": {"proxy": {"proxyAutoconfigUrl": null}}}' http://localhost:4444/session

There was a missing closing bracket in your last example but it clearly did it:

curl -d '{"capabilities": {"alwaysMatch": {"proxy": {"proxyAutoconfigUrl": null}}}}' http://localhost:4444/session

results in

{"value":{"error":"invalid argument","message":"proxyAutoconfigUrl was not a string",...

Something suspicious I still noticed is that if you specify an invalid capability object your are not always getting an exception. I filed bug 1396883 for that.

Otherwise I'm going to close this issue now. It's all fixed.

lock commented

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