
How do I match the geckoview lifecycle to the activity lifecycle, like webView pausetimers and resumeTimers

gitcfly opened this issue · 0 comments

In the android activty, of the following events can occur, onFinished, onStart, onPause, onStop, onResume, onDestroy,
When there is any way to happen in the above several events, i can find the corresponding method in geckoview ?
For example:
activty.onFinished() -> geckoView.Finished.
activty.onPause || activty.onStop -> Geckoview. Pause // This is the most important one.Pause all geckoview processes when acitvity is paused. The webView can be implemented using the webView.pausetimers () method.
ctivty.onResume || ctivty.onStart-> geckoView.Resume // This is also important and can be implemented in webView using the webView.resumeTimers method.