
Is it possible to support "WITH" clause.

Closed this issue · 3 comments

There are some many cases included "WITH" clause for subquery.
Is it possible to support these case.
like :
WITH dept_count AS (
SELECT deptno, COUNT(*) AS dept_count
FROM emp
GROUP BY deptno)
SELECT e.ename AS employee_name,
dc1.dept_count AS emp_dept_count,
m.ename AS manager_name,
dc2.dept_count AS mgr_dept_count
FROM emp e,
dept_count dc1,
emp m,
dept_count dc2
WHERE e.deptno = dc1.deptno
AND e.mgr = m.empno
AND m.deptno = dc2.deptno;

@deryann please review. Some decisions are need about the resulting data structure.


The current PR is

{"with": [
    {"name": "name1", "value": expression1},
    {"name": "name2", "value": expression2},
    {"name": "nameN", "value": expressionN},

I defined the with clause a while back a little differently:

{"with": [
    {name1: expression1},
    {name2: expression2},
    {nameN: expressionN},

Since the first one looks a lot like a select clause, can we simply add it as a clause to the query? Lets expand query to be {"select":"*", "from":"temp"}, then

    "with": [
        {"name": "name1", "value": expression1},
        {"name": "name2", "value": expression2},
        {"name": "nameN", "value": expressionN},

I think I will go with this last version, while still accepting "name":"expression" for when humans may be composing the query.

Then, any expression can be extended with this new clause:

    "mul":["a", "a"],