
Function names

Closed this issue · 2 comments

rcoup commented

Current underscores aren't supported in function names (eg. ST_MakePoint(...))

After writing a test case, the fix looks to be expanding function name to be ident rather than Word(alphas) at, but then I get a test failure.

ERROR: test_096 (tests.test_format_and_parse.TestFormatAndParse)
pyparsing.ParseException: Expected end of text (at char 21), (line:1, col:22)

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

pyparsing.ParseException: Expecting one of () (at char 21), (line:1, col:22)

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

SQL:         SELECT f1 FROM test1 WHERE ('x' || f1) BETWEEN 'x10' AND 'x20' ORDER BY f1
Broken SQL:  SELECT f1 FROM test1 WHERE BETWEEN('x' || f1, 'x10', 'x20') ORDER BY f1

{'from': 'test1',
 'orderby': {'value': 'f1'},
 'select': {'value': 'f1'},
 'where': {'between': [{'concat': [{'literal': 'x'}, 'f1']},
                       {'literal': 'x10'},
                       {'literal': 'x20'}]}}
Broken JSON:

In SQLIte at least, SELECT "somefunc"(1,2,3); works fine, as should schema-qualified functions, etc. (related #95). Maybe ident is picking up something weird I can't spot?

rcoup commented


    def test_function_names(self):
        sql = "SELECT ST_AsText(ST_MakePoint(174, -36));"
        result = parse(sql)
        expected = {
            'select': {
                'value': {
                    'st_astext': {
                        'st_makepoint': [174, -36]
        self.assertEqual(result, expected)

this will be fixed shortly 4e43e81