
Containers aren’t in order in new tab context menu

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Before submitting a bug report

  • I updated to the latest version of Multi-Account Container and tested if I can reproduce the issue
  • I searched for existing reports to see if it hasn't already been reported

Step to reproduce

Without MAC, right clicking on the “+” button in the tab bar looks like this (blank profile, no addons):


  • Step 1: install MAC

After installing MAC, the menu now looks like this:


  • Step 2 : Create a new container, and move it up to first position:


Actual behavior

The container selection menu has the first container displayed last:


Expected behavior

The container selection menu displays containers in the specified order.

Additional informations

This is the main way by which I select new containers when navigating with the mouse, and I have a few frequently used containers and a number that are infrequently used and clutter the top of the list, which makes this issue quite annoying (to me at least).

  • The order in which containers are displayed is linked to their underlying cookie store ids, firefox-container-N with default containers having N = 1, 2, 3, 4 respectively and the newly created container N = 5
  • I could not find any code to create this menu in MAC so it’s probably a mozilla-central thing that gets displayed when an addon that uses contextual identities is installed
  • The bug still fits here as MAC offers the possibility to re-order containers
  • the cookie store id order is not the same across all sync’d browsers even though the MAC ordering is sync’d properly, which means it’s not enough to delete / re-create a container to push it back at the end, you likely would have to sync all browsers after each deletion / re-creation, plus trying to copy over all assigned websites and other config.

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No response

It's a duplicate of #1958 and it needs to be fixed in Firefox. You can have a look at There's an old patch there from an ex-staff that needs to be updated to support an array of ids to move. If you want to contribute a patch, feel free to ping me on Matrix. I would definitely welcome one!

Thanks, missed the original somehow…

I want this too. I use a lot of containers and would like to have the most frequently used containers at the top of the list.

I’ve sumbitted a patch on firefox’s side 2 months ago to allow reordering, it’s awaiting review. The bugzilla comments explain that you can also reorder the containers by manually editing the containers.json file in your profile and reordering the array entries in there.

@Cimbali I'll ping the reviewer on monday and see if we can get this moving.