
Publish convict@6.2.0 on NPM

madarche opened this issue · 16 comments

Hello @dannycoates. Could you publish convict@6.2.0 on NPM please?

Everything is ready on the Git side:

⚠️ The project is now managed through Lerna and thus you will have to do the following to do the publishing:

cd node-convict
npm ci
npx lerna publish from-git

I have explained and justified the project's structure and management in the CONTRIBUTING document.

Please do not hesitate to read, test and ask.

Thanks a lot!

@dannycoates please could you take some time to publish on npm? 🙏

@dannycoates please could you take some time to publish on npm? 🙏 Any problem? Should I ask someone else please?

@madarche any news?

No news yet, sorry 😢

Hello @pdehaan, we're desperately searching for someone at Mozilla who could publish the new release of convict, and the next ones, to NPM. Could you help us please? 🙏‍‍

I can reach out on Tuesday. We had a week of PTO last week, and next Monday is a holiday for us in Canada/USA, which means nobody will be checking email/Slack/GitHub.

Thanks a lot @pdehaan!

@pdehaan did reach somebody?

Yeah, sorry. A couple core people were on PTO last week, so I re-pinged the group this morning to try and get this resolved.
I don't have npm permissions for this project, so I can't help much from that end.

@madarche I heard back that you were added as an npm maintainer (but I don't see you in npm info convict maintainers yet; not sure if that is cached data or if you need to accept some invitation or something).

Hopefully that will unblock you going forward. ❤️

@pdehaan thank you, yes I've been added as an npm maintainer for convict 👍‍‍ 🙇‍‍♂️ ❤️

npm info convict maintainers wasn't showing this before my attempt to publish, but it now shows this after my attempt to publish. So your guess about a cache on this information was right.

So the publishing of convict@6.2.0 has been done successfully 😃

… but there's one thing we didn't think about 😟 : convict is now more than one package, and I'm not an npm maintainer for the 2 convict associated packages:

  • convict-format-with-validator
  • convict-format-with-moment

I cannot publish those 😢

@pdehaan could you please help us on this once more?

Yeah, sorry. I reached out again a few days ago to get permissions for those 2 npm packages. I'll escalate on Monday.

Yeah, sorry. I reached out again a few days ago to get permissions for those 2 npm packages. I'll escalate on Monday.

@madarche Can you try again?

@pdehaan Yeeees I can publish all the 3 packages now! Many many thanks to you and to all involved! 🙇 🙇 🙇

And thus this ticket is now dealt with and closed!

All credit goes to the amazing @dannycoates! 👏

Many thanks @dannycoates 🙇‍♂️ 🙇‍♂️ 🙇‍♂️