
How to make Webstorm IDE support nunjucks grammar?

yuyang041060120 opened this issue ยท 23 comments

I can not format my code by Webstorm which looks like terrible.How to fix it ?

You can try making nunjucks mimic a language that WebStorm does support, by setting the tags option.

Or just use an IDE that supports Jinja2 templates. If you're stuck with JetBrains, PyCharm could suit you.

I've tried these,but It's not much helpful!

Duplicate of #431?

That's pretty easy.

  1. Configure your app to use custom extension. In my case I used *.nunj. You need custom extension so IDE can recognize template files.
  2. Go to File -> Settings -> Editor -> File Types
  3. Find Twig, it's identical template engine but for PHP and add custom extension. click green plus and type *.nunj. Now all *.nunj files are parsed as Twig so in the end - support Nunjucks.

Example of my configuration:

module.exports = function (app, nunjucks, dir) {

    app.set('views', dir.views);
    app.set('view engine', 'nunj');
    app.set('view cache', app.get('env') === 'production');
    nunjucks.configure('views', {
        autoescape: true,
        express: app

    app.use(function (req, res, next) {
        res.locals.user = req.session.user || false;


Works like a charm :-) I switched from Swig that is no longer maintained to this one in no time.

I use Webstorm 10.0.
I can't find Twig. All my files started with T are there.
image 1
I can't find any Twig plugins.
image 1

Oh. My bad. I use phpstorm and there is twig support by default and plugin in repository. I understand that phpstorm plugin won't work with webstorm? Then I can't help you. You can try to install plugin from disk.

@dariuszp I download Twig from PhpStorm Plugins. Then I install it to WebStorm.I works! Wonderful !
image 1

Thank you!

I'm glad that I could help. Good luck.

Hi there, I get the following message trying to do it:
"Plugin Twig Support is incompatible with current installation"


Old webstorm? Can you provide any details?

Webstorm 8.0.4

@cmdelatorre Please file a bug on the appropriate repo (perhaps the twig plugin?), thanks!

(feel free to keep discussing it here if desired, but I'd like to close the bug)

Sure, no worries.

Just to help anyone else out who ends up here looking for an answer, I was able to download the intellij twig plugin and install it manually into the latest webstorm. It seems to work.

Also, you don't need to install it manually.

You can install Twig in WebStorm from File > Settings > Plugins > Install JetBrains plugin,
and then you look for "Twig Support" in the list.

i found just install twig is not use,you should do this
preference-> Editor-> File Types find Twig (you should install before),then add *.nunjucks at the under block , then apply

Then you will find your nunjucks code changed

dex1n commented

I come from 2018 with a Mac...
In WebStorm 2018.3 for Mac, you can install Twig from WebStorm > Preferences > Plugins and then look for "Twig Support" in the marketplace. With Twig installed, you can tell it to highlight your nunjucks file through the way showed in @MehmetNuri's screenshot.
Thanks all. Meow~

This appears to crash Webstorm 2020.3 EAP due to some missing PHP string dependency.

Webstorm 2022.1.2

A suitable workaround for me was to highlight the Nunjucks (*.njk) files as if they are HTML.

Go to Settings -> Editor -> File Types
Select "HTML" and add *.njk to the list of file extensions.

It may not be perfect, but for me, it's way better than nothing.

WebStorm 2022.1.3, right click on any .njk file > Associate with File Typeโ€ฆ, choose Twig and done.

(Plugin is available from JetBrains