
Cargo.lock is not uploaded as it can't be found at the specified path

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+ popd
+ cd target/release
+ tar -zvcf /rust-code-analysis-linux-cli-x86_64.tar.gz rust-code-analysis-cli
+ tar -zvcf /rust-code-analysis-linux-web-x86_64.tar.gz rust-code-analysis-web
[taskcluster 2023-01-13 09:35:20.171Z] === Task Finished ===
[taskcluster 2023-01-13 09:35:20.376Z] Artifact "public/Cargo.lock" not found at "Cargo.lock": (HTTP code 404) no such container - Could not find the file Cargo.lock in container 8fe52d5f578353c77e3977af4a6456c9d6e36cc328986b3b3174b3dc48d56adb 
[taskcluster 2023-01-13 09:35:21.873Z] Successful task run with exit code: 0 completed in 415.176 seconds