
README is missing broader context

Closed this issue · 2 comments

hi, I stumbled across this thing because it's been magically installed in my firefox somehow. I looked at your readme to work out what the hell it is and why I would want to leave it installed or not (attack surface) and I'm not really any the wiser, even as a developer myself. It seems to have lots of detail but is missing the higher level explanation of context and need.

It would be handy if you'd explain what it is and why it's there in a way that would be meaningful to someone who doesn't know anything of the context you're operating in.

To be more specific...

I see it's about debugging stuff, but it's not clear to me immediately whether that's useful to me. I already use firebug to debug the js/css/html of websites, and that does me fine. Is this for debugging sites? Or actually debugging the browser? What has chrome got to do with it, why would mozilla have anything to do with chrome, I don't get it. Is it to do with debugging the FirefoxOS phone? Why has it been installed automagically when I never asked for it? Why's it called adb? Is it related to the Android Debugging Bridge (adb) or whatever it's called? I could probably figure it out eventually but at the moment I don't know whether it's worth the time as I can't tell if it's relevant to me.

Hope that's helpful.

Valence is a protocol adapter that allows you to debug chrome and safari ( desktop and mobile ) from Firefox, using Firefox's built-in developer tools. I think you're right, the initial paragraph is a bit too clever so I've updated it with a shorter, clearer statement that also links to the documentation:


thank you! hugs :-) that's awesome, way clearer