Powershell path is missing on Windows 10 Home Edition
zspitzer opened this issue · 4 comments
Trying to connect on a Windows 10 Home x64 to an iPad just fails, I have Visual Studio community edition 2015 etc installed
Opening the browser console I see the following error (these errors should be visible in WebIDE)
PowerShell -Command ps ios-webkit-debug-proxy: 'PowerShell' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
If you open a regular Windows command prompt, is PowerShell available? I thought PowerShell was installed by default on Windows 10, but I'm not positive.
nup, I had to manually add it to the system path. Windows 10 doesn't have much configured in the path by default
I think it's only in path for Pro editions and up, so ideally the path should be read from the registry