
Add custom fields

Opened this issue · 8 comments

Some events require extra fields, like ID number (I guess the ID document name changes across countries), if the attendant brings a number of guests to the event, and more ideas.

A proposal of implementation: Two custom fields: if the admin fills the name of the custom field then it's displayed in the registration form.

Good idea. Unfortunately I can't give you a ETA for this since we don't have any devs working on this app right now.

BTW, I think there are some sensitive data we shouldn't ask to the attendants, like ID number, passport or address. Why are them needed for an event?

No problem.

BTW, I think there are some sensitive data we shouldn't ask to the attendants, like ID number, passport or address. Why are them needed for an event?

For example, in some Peruvian events, the entity that provides the space asks for ID numbers in order to allow them the access, for security purposes.

If I understand correctly, the web application allows to drop the attendant's information after the event. That's why I didn't think it was a problem.

We'll see, I'm not sure our current privacy policy allow us to gather this kind of information.

/cc @bernimel

AFAIK: saving those really personal data means that we need another security level and that means: another DDBB, another machine with ONLY that DDBB, more security needs… In the case of Europe and the LOPD.

I'd say that we won't do that.

I wouldn't do that too. I think that it's enough if an attendant shows its identity document to the entity before joining the event. Besides this, if that entities ask for this information maybe they're not interesting for us, in terms of adecuation to our values.

Wait, I think we are discussing an specific scenario, but my point in this Issue is to bring custom fields to the registration form. I understand your opinions and I guess that it must be advised that these new fields can't store personal data.

Sorry :) You want us to try to think in what kind of fields could be those?

... if the attendant brings a number of guests to the event, and more ideas.

Number of guests: if is a small activity, like a workshop, the number of PCs in a laboratory is limited.

Also, I though before that the field Press could be a Custom field (maybe we expect to have Press in a conference, but not in a MozCoffee with few people) ---- This is just an example, I don't ask to convert the field Press.

Other example: 'Community/Organization': in order to know those entities bring more participants (an offline equivalent to 'How do know about this event: Facebook, Twitter, Community site, News site ...')