
Push setting - HTTP 3 (GET) - doesn't send all the data

elcocowau opened this issue · 8 comments

When I use HTTP 3 (GET) push setting, it truncate the end of the XML data

configure push setting HTTP 3 (GET) Ex : http://<IP>:<PORT>/<TOKEN>?content=
and configure format editor "HTTP option 3 GET" with this template for ex :
should return (as the test button do) :
But it truncate the end of the message like this :
See wireshark capture :

if I add dummy char at the end it truncate the dummy char and it works but it's not always "truncating" the same amount of chars.


  • Platform esp8266
  • Browser chrome
  • Version 1.2.0 (..90a5cb)

Goal is to send HTTP push notification to PRTG Monitoring server.

mp-se commented

Sorry for the late reply but I never got a notification on this issue.

HTTP get is not intended to be used to send XML it uses the format http://?token1=value&token2=value2 according to the specification. In theory you can send an xml document as a value if you URL encode the value (which is not a feature that is implemented in gravitymon)

If you want to send XML you can do this using HTTP Post in the body of the message. So use HTTP 1 or 2. Depending on the receiving service you might need to set the right content header to tell the server that you are sending an XML document.

mp-se commented

Its a little strange that the data is truncated, i will have a look what causes this. Its not strange that you get a different result on the test button since this is don in the web browser and not in the device.

mp-se commented

Thanks for the feedback. The playload should not be truncatated so i will treat this as a bug.

I could not spot anything strange in the code so I hope this is not a limitation in the arduino code

mp-se commented

Can you try this build and see if it works for you ?

Thank you for the new version of the firmware, for the moment it looks like it solved the issue.
I will try JSON format and multiple reboot asap to make sure.

mp-se commented

Its just a small code change that should not affect but i will run through some tests to make sure it works

mp-se commented

I've just released the official tested version, should be the same as the one that you tested.