
Auto extraction of json properties into Graylog fields

HalitTalha opened this issue · 3 comments

Hello there,
Thanks for this great library. This is more like a question or a feature request.
I wonder if logstash-gelf supports auto extraction of a json message into graylog fields for log4j2 or any other framework?

Not sure I follow. Do you mean something like"{'my': 'JSON field'}"); to be extracted in to a GELF message field of {'message': '…', '_my' : 'JSON field'}`?

Not sure I follow. Do you mean something like"{'my': 'JSON field'}"); to be extracted in to a GELF message field of {'message': '…', '_my' : 'JSON field'}`?

Exactly. Sorry for being unclear.

No, there's no such feature and we don't plan to introduce that kind of features as we would be required to parse the log message and this introduces performance and complexity overhead.