
Add sequences to tracker

Closed this issue · 0 comments

Value statement

As an editor
I need a list of sequence cards and a summery of added sequence length
so that I can see, how many sequence I have, what the description is and what length the sequence has

Description (Text, Scribble, Wireframe, Design)

Bildschirmfoto 2020-08-31 um 10 06 08

Acceptance criteria

  • with no sequence card visibile, the input block is at top
  • input field is always visible under last sequence card
  • With "Speichern" the Card will be added to sequence, at the end of list
  • With "Löschen" the input fields will be resetet
  • all inputs needs to be filled before save is possible
  • At bottom, there is the summery length of all sequences lengths


  • Create feature branch
  • Create Sequence component in Storybook
  • Write component tests
  • Add components to app (feature implementation with state)
  • Add missing styles

