
Settings page

Opened this issue · 0 comments

Value statement

As an editor
I need a page for overall settings for general information
so that I can set he stadium visitors number, the total length for summery


Bildschirmfoto 2020-08-27 um 23 19 19

Acceptance criteria

  • the path is /settings
  • No field is required
  • The button is disabled until one input is filled
  • The min field is not required (should then be 0)
  • The sec and frames field is required
  • The form reacts on submit (Enter key or button press)


  • Add routing
  • Add current length input field
  • add visitors length input field
  • at save, save information in localStorage
  • at load, load information from localStorage into fields
  • Write component tests
  • Write integration tests w/ Cypress

