
Add more input fields in CreateSequence

Closed this issue · 0 comments

Value statement

As an editor
I need to add more important information in the "create new sequences" process
so that after the game, I have all the important information at my fingertips


Bildschirmfoto 2020-08-31 um 11 01 09

Acceptance criteria

  • additional input fields are hidden by default
  • if "tag" Tor or Rote Karte is clicked, it opens an additional input overall area
  • all fields are required in the additional area
  • the input values are staying, when "tag" is changing from Tor to Rote Karte
  • Delete Button clears form, and closes additional field
  • Save button clears form, and closes addition field


  • Add additional input fields
  • Add toggle logic
  • Styling
  • Write component tests
  • Write integration tests w/ Cypress
  • Test on mobile and desktop

