
Simpletask dropbox v11.0.0 not loging in

smellymoo opened this issue ยท 25 comments

Was displaying a toast something like "can't save todo file" then I tried reinstalling, then tried installing the latest Dropbox version... Still Dropbox doesn't work, it keeps returning to the initial Dropbox login screen in app.

tried sharing the debug info, but it doesn't look like that works right. it just set the title to "Simpletask dropbox v11.0.0 (11000000) Git: 10.9.3-77-8094bed-dirty log" but didn't include the log.

Love your app BTW.

ran the debug version, it comes up with "simple tasks keeps stopping" before reshowing the initial login screen. it doesn't offer an option to send a bug report?

Are you sure you are using version 11? Which link did you use to download Simpletask?

@smellymoo never mind. The git version is confusing. Do you use full dropbox access or folder access?
Also did you completely uninstall the old simpletask and reinstalled the new one?

I tried both (app folder and full)

When you say "completely" what do you mean? I uninstalled it then installed git version.

How would I be able to share the debug info? It doesn't seem to be easy to do.

@smellymoo I can reproduce it now. It seems to fail to connect for some reason.

Ah it seems to be a problem with the dropbox API tokens. They were update for the new API version but now are pending review for production.

It's awaiting review. I have no idea how long this takes.

@smellymoo for me I see the login screen again after the can't save todo file toast. IS this the same for you? If so can you select Debugging Info after that and share the log?

For me I get a connection issue with an IPv6 address.

@smellymoo how are you logging in to Dropbox. If I

  • uninstall Simpletask.
  • Reinstall it again
  • When connecting to Dropbox, sign out
  • Sign in with username and password (not via Google or Apple federated login)

Then it works
I have no idea why though

I'll check everything you have suggested and reply as soon as possible.

Your app is critical to my productivity, if it turns out to be hard to fix I'm happy to post a bug bounty.

@mpcjanssen tried those steps, it must be silently crashing after selecting login, as it goes back to simpletask login screen (that has debug info button).

the debug info tool needs fixing really, as it only has a share button, and you haven't got that working right, if I share it on github it just changes the title and doesn't add the file, and it's awkward to find a work around, as there isn't an option on the share menu for export file or copy to clipboard. But I figured a way round...


there isn't an option on the share menu for [...] copy to clipboard

This excellent app adds one!

07-03 09:40:28.357 17080 18943 E AndroidRuntime: Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'java.lang.String com.dropbox.core.DbxRequestConfig.getUserLocale()' on a null object reference
07-03 09:40:28.357 17080 18943 E AndroidRuntime: at com.dropbox.core.DbxPKCEManager.makeTokenRequest(
07-03 09:40:28.357 17080 18943 E AndroidRuntime: at$TokenRequestAsyncTask.doInBackground(
07-03 09:40:28.357 17080 18943 E AndroidRuntime: at$TokenRequestAsyncTask.doInBackground(
07-03 09:40:28.357 17080 18943 E AndroidRuntime: at android.os.AsyncTask$

looks to be the issue.

Seems to be caused by: dropbox/dropbox-sdk-java#347
Not much I can do about that. Do you by any chance use process cleaners or things like that? Probably not, but if you do; disable all of them.

I don't even know what that means? I'll go with no.

one of the last messages in that thread seems vital: dropbox/dropbox-sdk-java#347 (comment)

The problem is the AuthActivity instance at step 3 may not be the same instance created at step 1. Android is free to kill and re-create activities as it wishes. It's quite easy to reproduce such a situation. Between step 2 and step 3 when we are in the browser or Dropbox app, rotate the device to change its screen orientation. Then tap on "Allow" button.

suggesting to me that it you are right that it is a dropbox-sdk issue, but that also it could easily be avoided by changing the activity flow, so just guessing, it changes between the login activity, and another, during that it gets confused and calls a null pointer, that kinda thing. So maybe you can make the login show up in a popup activity? or maybe inline box? some way of not confusing the lifecycle and keeping it just one activity during login?

on a plus side, I have started using sleek on my laptop in the interim until your (fabulous) app is fixed, so I can continue my work at least :).

Whole reason I took up the todo.txt philosophy is for this exact problem (2 fold; multi-platform and no propriety lock in), so feeling very smug overall ๐Ÿ‘. But the missing link for me is dropbox synch, it allows me to be cross-platform with 1 todo list.

@smellymoo the creating of the dropbox login activity is done by the dropbox SDK. I don't think I can control that in any way. But I will look into it.

on a plus side, I have started using sleek on my laptop in the interim until your (fabulous) app is fixed, so I can continue my work at least :).

Whole reason I took up the todo.txt philosophy is for this exact problem (2 fold; multi-platform and no propriety lock in), so feeling very smug overall ๐Ÿ‘. But the missing link for me is dropbox synch, it allows me to be cross-platform with 1 todo list.

Sleek is a great contender. Unfortunately a) at the moment the engine it uses scrambles the order of then data line (putting tags at other positions) and b) there is as yet no good system for saved filter/sort profiles as in simpletask. However Sleek is by far the best desktop contender for a simpletask companion.

Also note you can't select multiple tags in filter and do a union.

So is there anything that can be done to use Dropbox atm? I can't find a way to synch files outside of the app in android?

Do you think a bug bounty will help this? Guess it won't to Dropbox, but might help you find the enthusiasm to solve it?

is this other projects implementation of dropbox API helpful? (todotxt/todo.txt-android#509)

I will try and compile and run it when I have some free time. then we can compare.

Ooo... Just found that "Jopin" from f-droid works well with Dropbox (using private "app" folder too) and I assume it's open source. Good to fix dropbox support ๐Ÿ˜

@mpcjanssen this source code will definitely help fix the dropbox issues, specially as it does it in it's own app folder :D

have you fixed something? I got version 11.0.1 working!