- AdamtarantoThe University of Melbourne
- alanocallaghanUniversity of Edinburgh
- amandaclare
- AmberFuFremont, CA
- ArtPoon@PoonLab
- audy@OneCodex
- changrong1023
- clintval@fulcrumgenomics
- daniel-wellsGenoimcs plc
- dwbellottWhitehead Institute
- eernstCSHL/HHMI
- Gab0Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- goloborIMBA
- gtonkinhillPeter MacCallum Cancer Centre & University of Melbourne
- iamcieraCalifornia
- ilevantis
- jameswagstaff
- jrjhealey
- kaorun343Japan
- ladyson1806Courtier-Orgogozo Lab, UPC / CNRS (France) ; Serohijos & Hussin Lab, UdeM (Canada)
- mfcovingtonAmaryllis Nucleics
- mftorresVilnius
- moskalenko
- mpdunne
- NazeeefaNordic
- nickp60
- PerugolateUniversity of St Andrews
- peterdfieldsUniversity of Basel
- rec3141University of Manitoba
- rsucheckiCSIRO
- sbaross
- sirselim@nanoporetech
- souravsingh
- StuntsPTCoBiG²
- wenbinmeiCambridge, MA
- zdk123United States