
Report of new bug with UNIVARCHAR long string (over than 128 caracters) [ #71339]

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From on 2011-09-29 16:47:15


    I am currently a developper in Orange France, and I found a bug in the DBD::Sybase.
    The module was describe as the sample of Sybase, but I also had an issue using their samples with a very big string (more than 25 caracters UNIVARCHAR).
    I solve this issue by changing the reservation of buffer used to fetch the data comming from the database. It was previously the same a specified in the datafmt: eg UNIVARCHAR(255) => size = 255.
    Or UNIVARCHAR is UTF-16. and the maximum string could now goes to 510 octet's long.
    I have modify the sample of Sybase, and validate it with them. They include these new modification in the Sybase 15.7 delivered yesterday.
    I have applied the same modification on the module DBD::Sybase. Please read the joind tarball. It's included the "utf8.t", "dbdimp.c" and "Sybase.h". All importants modifications are in "dbdimp.c" in red:

> #if defined(CS_VERSION_155)
> #if !defined BLK_VERSION_155
> #define BLK_VERSION_155       BLK_VERSION_150
> #endif
> #endif
> #if defined(CS_VERSION_157)
> #if !defined BLK_VERSION_157
> #define BLK_VERSION_157       BLK_VERSION_155
> #endif
> #endif
<               len = column->maxlength;
>         len = column->maxlength;
> #if defined(CS_UNICHAR_TYPE)
>       case CS_UNICHAR_TYPE:
>       case CS_UNITEXT_TYPE:
> #endif
>                               /* For these types send data "as is" */
>                               ptr = imp_sth->coldata[i].ptr;
>                               imp_sth->coldata[i].valuelen = slen;
>                               break;
< #endif
<                               imp_sth->coldata[i].valuelen = slen;
>                               imp_sth->coldata[i].valuelen = slen * 2;
> #endif
    If you have some questions, I will be pleased to answer



Téléphone: +33 (0)1 57 36 10 71
Adresse: 21, rue Jasmin
                  75016 Paris
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P Cette obscure clarté qui tombe des étoiles,
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Corneille Le Cid (1636)

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From on 2011-10-02 15:07:59

Should be fixed in 1.14, uploaded to CPAN a few minutes ago.

From on 2011-10-03 10:06:04


    I am sorry, but i have test the modification and it does not work. The librarie Sybase generate and error 132 again.
  I have seen that the modification regarding the CS_UNICHAR_TYPE were partially comment (eg line 641 to 644). Bug it is the most important lines. I their are commented, the error appears.I have made a test with your code, it does not work. I made it again, with the line 641 to 644 uncomment, and it is work.


 Julien JOLY Pour ORANGE

Téléphone: +33 (0)1 57 36 10 71
Adresse: 21, rue Jasmin
                  75016 Paris

P Cette obscure clarté qui tombe des étoiles,
Enfin, avec le flux nous fit voir trente voiles,
L'onde s'enfle dessous et, d'un commun effort,
Les Mores et la mer montent jusques au port.

Corneille Le Cid (1636)

-----Message d'origine-----
De : Michael Peppler via RT []
Envoyé : dimanche 2 octobre 2011 17:08
� : JOLY Julien Ext OLNC/DPS
Objet : [ #71339] Resolved: Report of new bug with UNIVARCHAR long string (over than 128 caracters)

<URL: >

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From on 2011-10-03 17:33:51

On Mon Oct 03 06:06:04 2011, wrote:
> Hello,
>     I am sorry, but i have test the modification and it does not work.
>    The librarie Sybase generate and error 132 again.
>   I have seen that the modification regarding the CS_UNICHAR_TYPE were
>    partially comment (eg line 641 to 644). Bug it is the most
>    important lines. I their are commented, the error appears.I have
>    made a test with your code, it does not work. I made it again, with
>    the line 641 to 644 uncomment, and it is work.

Which platform (OS) are you on, which versions of OpenClient, and which
version of ASE please?

I tested my version with OpenClient 15.7 and 15.5, against 15.5 and 15.7
servers, and at least the utf8.t test script worked fine.

If possible could you send me the actual error message you get, as well
as version info, etc?



PS - you can send this directly to me, and in French if you prefer
(j'habite en Suisse...)

From on 2011-10-04 07:11:25


    I made a test through OCS 12.5.4, 15.5.1 and 15.7.0 with ASE 12.5.1.
    The instance of the server is with charset "utf8". But i used UNIVARCHAR type.
    My error message is this one:
DBD::Sybase::st fetchrow_array failed: OpenClient message: LAYER = (1) ORIGIN = (4) SEVERITY = (1) NUMBER = (132)
Server ss2_nopfa236, database
Message String: ct_fetch(): user api layer: internal common library error: The bind of result set item 17 resulted in truncation.

    I saw that you comment my test in "utf8.t". That explain my remark. I the sentence in the UNIVARCHAR field is shorter rathen than the size of the field, this issue does not appear. You have to specified a very long sentence. I used a Hindy string (recopy of 3 hindy caracters) to form a 255 UNIVARCHAR sentence (to fullfill the field). I fetch it through PERL and the issue appear.

    As I saw now, i have write an issue in the test:

$dbh->do("create table #utf8test (uv univarchar(255), ut unitext)");

my $ascii = 'Some text';
my $utf8 = "पट�टपट�टपट�टपट�टपट�टपट�टपट�टपट�टपट�टपट�टपट�टपट�टपट�टपट�टपट�टपट�टपट�टपट�टपट�टपट�टपट�टपट�टपट�टपट�टपट�टपट�टपट�टपट�टपट�टपट�टपट�टपट�टपट�टपट�टपट�टपट�टपट�टपट�टपट�टपट�टपट�टपट�टपट";

    Sorry about that last point


 Julien JOLY Pour ORANGE

Téléphone: +33 (0)1 57 36 10 71
Adresse: 21, rue Jasmin
                  75016 Paris

P Cette obscure clarté qui tombe des étoiles,
Enfin, avec le flux nous fit voir trente voiles,
L'onde s'enfle dessous et, d'un commun effort,
Les Mores et la mer montent jusques au port.

Corneille Le Cid (1636)

-----Message d'origine-----
De : Michael Peppler via RT []
Envoyé : lundi 3 octobre 2011 19:34
� : JOLY Julien Ext OLNC/DPS
Objet : [ #71339] Report of new bug with UNIVARCHAR long string (over than 128 caracters)

<URL: >

On Mon Oct 03 06:06:04 2011, wrote:
> Hello,
>     I am sorry, but i have test the modification and it does not work.
>    The librarie Sybase generate and error 132 again.
>   I have seen that the modification regarding the CS_UNICHAR_TYPE were
>    partially comment (eg line 641 to 644). Bug it is the most
>    important lines. I their are commented, the error appears.I have
>    made a test with your code, it does not work. I made it again, with
>    the line 641 to 644 uncomment, and it is work.

Which platform (OS) are you on, which versions of OpenClient, and which version of ASE please?

I tested my version with OpenClient 15.7 and 15.5, against 15.5 and 15.7 servers, and at least the utf8.t test script worked fine.

If possible could you send me the actual error message you get, as well as version info, etc?



PS - you can send this directly to me, and in French if you prefer (j'habite en Suisse...)

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