
A repo with tools to run OpenShift on RDO

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


A repo with tools to run OpenShift on RDO (or any other Openstack based cloud)


A wrapper around the great tool installcentos created by Grant Shipley. This wrapper takes care of the creation of a server on the RDO cloud that is usable to run installcentos and ends up being an All-In-One OpenShift (OKD) installation.



Your RDO cloud must meet the following requirements:

  • An internal network configured
  • An external network configured
  • A router routing between the external and internal networks
  • An SSH key configured
  • OPTIONAL: A security group with INGRESS TCP/22 from

Additionally, your local machine must meet the following requirements:

  • Have the openstack client installed:
sudo pip install -U python-openstackclient
  • Have the RDO cloud Openstack RC file sourced on the prompt where the script will be run.


  1. Source your openstackrc
. openstackrc
  1. Run the following command. Don't forget to modify the OKD_USER and OKD_PASS
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mpeterson/rdo-openshift-tools/master/rdo-install-openshift.sh | OKD_USER=myuser OKD_PASS=mypass /bin/bash


  1. Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/mpeterson/rdo-openshift-tools
  1. Define mandatory variables for the installation process
# User created after installation
export OKD_USER=myuser

# Password for the user
export OKD_PASS=mypass
  1. Source your openstackrc
. openstackrc
  1. Run script

Optionally a name for the server to be created can be provided:

./rdo-install-openshift.sh my-custom-server-name


The following environmental variables can be provided to customize the image creation:

  • OKD_DOMAIN: Domain to be used for the OpenShift install.
  • OKD_USER: User created after installation.
  • OKD_PASS: Password for the user.
  • SERVER_NAME: Server name for the Openstack nova instance.
  • OS_IMAGE: Openstack ID of the image that will be used to create the nova instance.
  • OS_FLAVOR: Openstack ID of the nova flavor.
  • OS_NETID: Openstack ID of the internal network to be attached.
  • OS_EXTNETID: Openstack ID of the external network to be attached.
  • OS_FIP: Openstack ID of the FIP to be attached.
  • OS_SECGRP: Openstack ID of the security group to be attached.
  • OS_KEYPAIR: Openstack name of the SSH key to be used.