
A web app for kanban boards.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


What is it

This is my Senior Thesis project for Carthage College. Kanban is a webapp built on the MEAN stack to provide a easy to use Kanban boards.

A kanban board is basically an advanced to do list, where you have sprints, stories, and tasks. Tasks are meant to be the specific things that need to be done in order to complete a story. Stories are high level tasks, that describe a feature or a set of features that need to be added to the project. They usually consist of describing a person who would use this feature, what the feature is, and what they would be able to do with it. Members of the board should be able to claim stories to say that they will be working on them. They are also assigned a certain number of points (based on difficulty or a time commitment), so the members can avoid overloading themselves. Sprints are a time frame from which the stories are added to the board to when they should be completed. Once that time period is up, a new sprint should be started with new stories and stories that didn't get finished.

Building and running


  • Install NodeJS
  • Install MongoDB
  • Install Gulp with npm install -g gulp
  • Clone this repository
  • Run npm install in the repository's directory
