#Trust Estimator

This project is designed to estimate the amount of trust one GitHub user may have in another. This may be useful in a recommendation system.

##How To Use


  • Install Dart
  • Install MongoDB
  • Clone the project
  • Get a GitHub auth key (here, more info)
  • Create a file in bin called github_auth.dart.
  • In that file, put final auth = "yourAuthCode";


  • Run dart bin/main {args} [users]


  • -h, --[no-]help: Display this message.

  • -r, --[no-]rate-limit: Display GitHub rate limit info.

  • -c, --[no-]clear-db: Clear the database.

  • -u, --users: Specify a file with a json list of users to estimate trust on.

  • -f, --format: Specify the output format [json, readable (default)].

  • rest (anything typed after other args): Specify users to estimate trust on.


  • Be sure you have followed the Install section
  • run dart test/test.dart