Problem with old LG LG-R105 images on Pannellum
DeBruynM opened this issue · 2 comments
DeBruynM commented
Hi, as a geriatric Radio Station Manager, I need to use Pannellum to display our developments and I have used this camera on Theasys, but at this time, impossibly expensive.
Images from the LG do not display as 360, on Pannellum, they display as flat quadrilateral images and I have tried as much as I can within my pay grade, including passing images through Exif Fixer to no avail.
Please, what am I doing wrong.
mpetroff commented
they display as flat quadrilateral images
I'm not sure what you mean by this. Best I can tell, the LG-R105 outputs full equirectangular images. Without metadata, these should display fine.
Do you have a screenshot of the behavior you're describing or an example image?