Could not determine the dependencies of task ':assembleJsPackage'
Closed this issue · 3 comments
MichaelOliveiraBx commented
Thanks for this pluging :)
I have a problem when I execute the command: assembleJsPackage
I have the following error
"Could not determine the dependencies of task ':assembleJsPackage'."
I created a project little as possible, here is the stack
- version: 3.4.2
- kotlin multiplatform: 1.9.22
- gradle: 8.5
and here is my build.gradle.kts
plugins {
kotlin("multiplatform") version "1.9.22"
id("dev.petuska.npm.publish") version "3.4.2"
group = "me.michael"
version = "1.0-SNAPSHOT"
repositories {
npmPublish {
registries {
register("npmjs") {
uri.set(uri("--")) //
kotlin {
js {
nodejs {
If I can help you find don't hesitate :)
mpetuska commented
Few things that come to mind:
- Use binaries.library() instead of executable.
- Ensure you have at least one source file
- Check gradle task graph to see what tasks get registered
./gradlew tasks
mpetuska commented
Also you can use npmjs dsl shortcut to register central npm registry (it only needs the token configuration)
MichaelOliveiraBx commented
Thanks the issue is with the binaries.library()
My bad and thanks for your reactivity :)