
docs lead to ImportError

francispoulin opened this issue · 2 comments


I am brand new to mpi4py-fft and have read through the documents and now wanting to try out the different examples to learn from experience. Unfortunately, one of the first importing steps seems to fail. My library claims to be successfully installed. Does this mean I have a faulty installation?


`>>> from mpi4py_fft import Pencil, Subcomm

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "", line 1, in

ImportError: cannot import name 'Pencil'

Hi Francis

What it means is that the developers have been lazy using untested code in documentation! The line should be

from mpi4py_fft.pencil import Pencil, Subcomm

Please let us know if there are any other code snippets in the documentation that don't work.

Hello Mikael,

Thanks for correcting that for me. I can say that I have tried it and it does work. I plan to go through all the other examples in the documentation and make sure that work. All except for the ones involving h5py, since I can't seem to get h5pyp installed and their developers aren't getting back to me on that.

I will close this for now and open it up again if/when I find other problems in the docs.

P.S. I would say more busy developers.