
What is the event for Context menu onPress?

Closed this issue · 6 comments

ContextMenu onPress event only fires when we pressed on actions... how can i get an event when the user press on that opened ContextMenu?

IM not sure what you mean by this, can you illustrate?

Simulator Screen Shot - iPhone 13 - 2023-03-24 at 18 50 01

how do I get the press event for the whole context click?

Sorry circling back to this now... By press event do you mean inside of the preview?

Of course inside of the preview, i want to open full screen when user click on anywhere in context… how can I get that event?

Gotcha... not currently exposed but I will add it tomorrow

For myself, implement

This is now supported in version 1.12.0. Use the onPreviewPress prop to get a callback when the user taps the preview on iOS