
LSP Specification Tracking Issue

Opened this issue · 1 comments

This is a tracking issue to verify that we support all the recent LSP features and to think about whether any of the unused features could provide a better experience. For each item in the list we should understand what it means in terms of the specification and then comment about whether we can use it or not.

3.16.0 (xx/xx/xxxx)

  • Add semantic token support
  • Add call hierarchy support (#18)
  • Add support for insert and replace ranges on CompletionItem
  • Add support for diagnsotic codes
  • Add support for tags on SymbolInformation and DocumentSymbol

3.15.0 (01/14/2020)

  • Add generic progress reporting support.
  • Add specific work done progress reporting support to requests where applicable.
  • Add specific partial result progress support to requests where applicable.
  • Add support for textDocument/selectionRange.
  • Add support for server and client information.
  • Add signature help context.
  • Add version on PublishDiagnosticsParams
  • Add CodeAction#isPreferred support.
  • Add CompletionItem#tag support.
  • Add Diagnostic#tag support.
  • Add DocumentLink#tooltip support.
  • Add trimTrailingWhitespace, insertFinalNewline and trimFinalNewlines to FormattingOptions.
  • Clarified WorkspaceSymbolParams#query parameter.

3.14.0 (12/13/2018)

  • Add support for signature label offsets.
  • Add support for location links.
  • Add support for textDocument/declaration request.

3.13.0 (9/11/2018)

  • Add support for file and folder operations (create, rename, move) to workspace edits.

3.12.0 (8/23/2018)

  • Add support for textDocument/prepareRename request.

3.11.0 (8/21/2018)

  • Add support for CodeActionOptions to allow a server to provide a list of code action it supports.

3.10.0 (7/23/2018)

  • Add support for hierarchical document symbols as a valid response to a textDocument/documentSymbol request.
  • Add support for folding ranges as a valid response to a textDocument/foldingRange request.

3.9.0 (7/10/2018)

  • Add support for preselect property in CompletionItem

3.8.0 (6/11/2018)

  • Added support for CodeAction literals to the textDocument/codeAction request.
  • ColorServerCapabilities.colorProvider can also be a boolean
  • Corrected ColorPresentationParams.colorInfo to color (as in the d.ts and in implementations)

3.7.0 (4/5/2018)

  • Added support for related information to Diagnostics.

There is a similar one in lsp-haskell: haskell/lsp#134
Afaiu ghcide/hls would need that haskell-lsp supports them