
Build with ghc-lib fails

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  • cabal build -w ghc-8.8.3 -fghc-libfails with:
[12 of 48] Compiling Development.IDE.GHC.HieTypes ( src-ghc86\Development\IDE\GHC\HieTypes.hs, D:\dev\ws\haskell\ghcide\dist-newstyle\build\x86_64-windows\ghc-8.8.3\ghcide-0.1.0\build\Development\IDE\GHC\HieTypes.o )

src-ghc86\Development\IDE\GHC\HieTypes.hs:34:10: error:
    Duplicate instance declarations:
      instance Binary RealSrcSpan
        -- Defined at src-ghc86\Development\IDE\GHC\HieTypes.hs:34:10
      instance Binary RealSrcSpan -- Defined in ‘Binary’
34 | instance Binary RealSrcSpan where
   |          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

src-ghc86\Development\IDE\GHC\HieTypes.hs:51:10: error:
    Duplicate instance declarations:
      instance (A.Ix a, Binary a, Binary b) => Binary (A.Array a b)
        -- Defined at src-ghc86\Development\IDE\GHC\HieTypes.hs:51:10
      instance (A.Ix a, Binary a, Binary b) => Binary (A.Array a b)
        -- Defined in ‘Binary’
51 | instance (A.Ix a, Binary a, Binary b) => Binary (A.Array a b) where
   |          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
cabal.exe: Failed to build ghcide-0.1.0.

I think you want to remove the || ghc-lib flag for src-ghc86 from the cabal file.