
Failing tests

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I'm updating the Fedora package and I see failures in several architectures:

99% tests passed, 1 tests failed out of 119
Total Test time (real) = 168.38 sec
The following tests FAILED:
	 70 - LAPACK-xdmdeigtstd_ddmd_in (Failed)
Errors while running CTest
99% tests passed, 1 tests failed out of 119
Total Test time (real) = 181.97 sec
The following tests FAILED:
	119 - LAPACK_Test_Summary (Failed)
Errors while running CTest

aarch64 succeeded and ppc64le is still running. This is with LAPACK 3.12.0 in rawhide.

The failures regarding dmd may result from a buggy LAPACK 3.12.0 since there are some bugs regarding the DMD codes and their tests. For this reason, I integrated Reference-LAPACK/lapack#959 in FlexiBLAS as well. In contrast to LAPACK 3.12.0 build with CMAKE, the DMD tests are enabled.

For the summary, could you run the tests with --output-on-failure flag set, when calling ctest?

I see. I'll postpone activating v3.12.0 in rawhide for now then.

For the summary, could you run the tests with --output-on-failure flag set, when calling ctest?

Thanks for the tip! I'll activate this from now on. Here are the logs with this flag: 1, 2.