pggg.mcmc.DrawParameters returns failed scheduled cores
lejarx opened this issue · 1 comments
lejarx commented
Error in mcmc.list(lapply(draws, function(draw) draw$level_1[[i]])) :
Arguments must be mcmc objects
In addition: Warning message:
In mclapply(1:chains, function(i) run_single_chain(i,, hyper_prior), :
scheduled cores 1, 2, 8 did not deliver results, all values of the jobs will be affected
I keep getting this failing scheduled cores when trying to run pggg.mcmc.DrawParameters
Example of my parameters is below
pggg.mcmc.DrawParameters( = cbs,
mcmc = 10000, burnin = 10000, chains = 8, thin = 20,
mc.cores = parallel::detectCores())
mplatzer commented
please provide a reproducible example