Test GPS issue
anujdeshpande opened this issue · 5 comments
anujdeshpande commented
Test GPS issue
jellyfish-bot commented
[anujdeshpande] This issue has attached support thread https://jel.ly.fish/1f769fb2-4d19-4d30-bd36-09763a0f9fd5
abhatikar commented
Does GPS work with RAK gw running with a GPS module ?
mpous commented
The LoRa concentrator (RAK 2245 and RAK 2287) they both bring a GPS UFL connector. Having said that, i don't think the GPS is still compatible with the basicstation repository.
Why do you need GPS @abhatikar ?
abhatikar commented
Send the location data of the gateway rather than hard coding it
marcelstoer commented
I was also wondering about this. I have a RAK2287 with GPS and GW_GPS
set to "true". Yet, the device location reported in the Balena cloud appears to come from IP Geolocation rather than GPS (20km off).