
JavaScript wrappers running in Node.js and modern browsers for transferring ArcGIS Online items from one organization to another.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

npm status Build status Coverage status Apache 2.0 licensed


Table of Contents

API Overview

Common terms

An ArcGIS Online (AGO) item is transformed into a template that contains all of its defining information. If the item depends on other items, those items are also transformed into templates.

A Solution Item can contain either

  • a list of Item Templates
  • a list of references to deployed items

When it contains Item Templates, it can be used for organizing and distributing Solutions, e.g., for displaying in a gallery of Solutions.

When a Solution is deployed into an organization, a new Solution is created that contains references to the items deployed into the organization; it serves as a table of contents for the deployment.


The API is divided into packages to make it easier to use just the parts that you want:

  • common, which contains common helper functions for the other packages
  • creator, which contains functions for transforming items into templates
  • deployer, which contains functions for deploying item templates into items in a destination organization
  • feature-layer, which contains functions for Feature Service items
  • simple-types, which contains functions for the simpler item types Dashboard, Form, Web Map, Web Mapping Application, and Workforce Project
  • storymap, which contains functions for Storymap items
  • viewer, which contains functions to support displaying Solution items

Additional information

The API documentation is published at https://esri.github.io/solution.js/ (source code).

Supported ArcGIS Online Item Types

Currently, the item types that can be converted into a template are:

  • Dashboard
  • Feature Collection
  • Feature Service (Hosted only and Hosted Feature Layer Views)
  • Web Map
  • Web Mapping Application

Planned item types are:

  • ArcGIS Pro Add In
  • Code Attachment
  • Code Sample
  • Desktop Add In
  • Desktop Application Template
  • Document Link
  • Form
  • Geoprocessing Package
  • Geoprocessing Sample
  • Layer Package
  • Map Template
  • Operation View
  • Pro Map
  • Project Package
  • Project Template
  • Storymap
  • Workforce Project


You can install dependencies by cloning the repository and running:

npm install

Afterward, for a list of all available commands run npm run.

Some useful commands include:

  • building

    • npm run build creates symlinks among packages and creates node, umd, and esm outputs for each package
    • npm run clean runs clean:src and clean:dist
      • npm run clean:src deletes .d.ts, .js, and .js.map files
      • npm run clean:dist deletes .rpt2_cache and dist folders
    • npm run lint lints the TypeScript files
    • npm run lint:fix lints the TypeScript files and fixes
    • npm run prettify beautifies TypeScript files
  • testing

    • npm run test lints, then runs tests test:node and test:chrome to confirm that the API is functioning as expected
    • npm run test:chrome runs karma in the Chrome browser
    • npm run test:chrome:ci runs karma in the ChromeHeadlessCI browser
    • npm run test:chrome:debug runs karma in the Chrome browser and leaves the browser open for debugging tests
    • npm run test:firefox runs karma in the Firefox browser
    • npm run test:node runs jasmine
    • npm run test:node:debug runs jasmine in debug mode
    • npm run test:ci lints, then runs test:node, test:chrome:ci, test:firefox, and coveralls from a bash window
    • npm run test:ci:win lints, then runs test:node, test:chrome:ci, test:firefox, and coveralls:win from a Windows window
    • npm run test:all runs test:node and test:chrome
    • npm run coveralls updates code coverage info from a bash window
    • npm run coveralls:win updates code coverage info from a Windows window
  • publishing doc

    • npm run docs:build (requires bash console)
      • npm run docs:typedoc
      • npm run docs:build:acetate
      • npm run docs:build:sass
      • npm run docs:build:images
      • npm run docs:build:js
    • npm run docs:build:dev (requires bash console)
      • npm run docs:dev:typedoc
      • npm run docs:dev:acetate
      • npm run docs:dev:sass
      • npm run docs:dev:images
      • npm run docs:dev:js
    • npm run docs:serve runs docs:build and hosts the documentation website on localhost:3000 (requires bash console)
    • npm run docs:deploy runs docs:build and pushes the documentation to the repository's gh-pages
    • npm run docs:srihash
  • publishing code (requires bash window)

    • npm run prerelease:prepare fetch, clean, link packages, and test
    • npm run release:prepare prepares for publication and creates a changelog
    • npm run release:review assembles git changes (use arrow keys to put cursor on line above desired version)
    • npm run release:publish publishes a version
  • lifecycle

    • postinstall runs bootstrap
    • bootstrap
    • precommit

Frequently Asked Questions


Found a bug or want to request a new feature? Please take a look at previously logged issues; if you don't see your concern, please let us know by submitting an issue.


For transparency into the release cycle and in striving to maintain backward compatibility, @esri/solution.js is maintained under Semantic Versioning guidelines and will adhere to these rules whenever possible. For more information on SemVer, please visit http://semver.org/.


Esri welcomes contributions from anyone and everyone. Please see our guidelines for contributing.


Copyright © 2018-2019 Esri

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

A copy of the license is available in the repository's LICENSE file.