
Frame ancestors

marcelimati opened this issue · 2 comments

Hello, I need a way to open url in iframe hosted by http server of your application.
By default it host http server on port 8000, which is fine by me, I tried to run the app with -X parameter which if i understood correctly removed this part:
if (!disableXframeOptions) { options.push_back("additional_header"); options.push_back("X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN"); }
But in newest browsers you need to pass parameter Content-Security-Policy: frame-ancestors; in header so it will allow to embed the page in iframe from other origin(which is only the same url but on different port), how can i achieve it? I tried to add the line in source but I don't know how to build it on windows because it gives me errors.

Nevermind, i managed to run it with using WebRtcStreamer without iframe