
The video quality is blurry (pixelated), but it plays normally in VLC. How can I solve this issue?

niuyang2020 opened this issue · 1 comments

The video quality is blurry (pixelated), but it plays normally in VLC. How can I solve this issue?
vue code:
this.webRtcServer = new WebRtcStreamer('video', location.protocol + '//')
var options = "rtptransport=tcp&timeout=60&width=1920&height=1080&width=320&height=240&bitrate=1200";
this.webRtcServer.connect('rtsp://', null, options, null)

Hi @niuyang2020

The options seems strange "rtptransport=tcp&timeout=60&width=1920&height=1080&width=320&height=240&bitrate=1200"
There is twice width & height, probably last are used... and you set bitrate to a low value, I guess you can try to remove bitrate option.

Best Regards,