
"No OpenGL video output found or enabled" on Nvidia Xavier NX

s0301132 opened this issue · 3 comments

Since the official package on Ubuntu 18.04 is too old (0.27.2) so I want to build it myself, after so many package installation and setting it still show "No OpenGL video output found or enabled" error on rebuild process, this is the config log:

user@user-desktop:~/Documents/mpv-build$ ./scripts/mpv-config 
Using mpv options:
Setting top to                           : /home/user/Documents/mpv-build/mpv 
Setting out to                           : /home/user/Documents/mpv-build/mpv/build 
Checking for waf version in 1.8.4-2.1.0  : ok 
Checking for program 'cc'                : /usr/bin/cc 
Checking for program 'pkg-config'        : /usr/bin/pkg-config 
Checking for program 'ar'                : /usr/bin/ar 
Checking for program 'rst2html'          : /usr/bin/rst2html 
Checking for program 'rst2man'           : /usr/bin/rst2man 
Checking for program 'rst2pdf'           : not found 
Checking for program 'windres'           : not found 
Checking for program 'perl'              : /usr/bin/perl 
Checking for 'gcc' (C compiler)          : /usr/bin/cc 
Detected target OS:                      : os-linux 
Checking for compiler flags -std=c11     : yes 
Checking for compiler flags -Werror -Werror=implicit-function-declaration : yes 
Checking for compiler flags -Werror -Wno-error=deprecated-declarations    : yes 
Checking for compiler flags -Werror -Wno-error=unused-function            : yes 
Checking for compiler flags -Werror -Wempty-body                          : yes 
Checking for compiler flags -Werror -Wdisabled-optimization               : yes 
Checking for compiler flags -Werror -Wstrict-prototypes                   : yes 
Checking for compiler flags -Werror -Wno-format-zero-length               : yes 
Checking for compiler flags -Werror -Werror=format-security               : yes 
Checking for compiler flags -Werror -Wno-redundant-decls                  : yes 
Checking for compiler flags -Werror -Wvla                                 : yes 
Checking for compiler flags -Werror -Wno-format-truncation                : yes 
Checking for compiler flags -Werror -Wimplicit-fallthrough                : yes 
Checking for compiler flags -Werror -fno-math-errno                       : yes 
Checking for LGPL (version 2.1 or later) build                            : disabled 
Checking for GPL (version 2 or later) build                               : yes 
Checking for mpv CLI player                                               : yes 
Checking for shared library                                               : disabled 
Checking for static library                                               : disabled 
Checking for static build                                                 : disabled 
Checking for whether to include binary compile time                       : yes 
Checking for whether to optimize                                          : yes 
Checking for whether to compile-in debugging information                  : yes 
Checking for unit tests (development only)                                : disabled 
Checking for enable ta leak report by default (development only)          : disabled 
Checking for manpage generation                                           : yes 
Checking for html manual generation                                       : disabled 
Checking for pdf manual generation                                        : disabled 
Checking for dynamic loader                                               : yes 
Checking for C plugins                                                    : yes 
Checking for inline assembly (currently without effect)                   : yes 
Checking for GCC vector instructions                                      : yes 
Checking for generate a clang compilation database                        : disabled 
Checking for static Swift linking                                         : disabled 
Checking for compiler support for noexecstack                             : yes 
Checking for linker support for --nxcompat --no-seh --dynamicbase         : no 
Checking for -lm                                                          : yes 
Checking for MinGW                                                        : os-win32 not found 
Checking for POSIX environment                                            : yes 
Checking for Android environment                                          : no 
Checking for tvOS environment                                             : no 
Checking for Android EGL support                                          : android not found 
Checking for development environment                                      : yes 
Checking for macOS Swift build tools                                      : os-darwin not found 
Checking for Universal Windows Platform                                   : disabled 
Checking for win32 desktop APIs                                           : os-win32 not found 
Checking for internal pthread wrapper for win32 (Vista+)                  : posix found 
Checking for POSIX threads                                                : yes 
Checking for pthread runtime debugging wrappers                           : disabled 
Checking for C11 stdatomic.h                                              : yes 
Checking for linking with -lrt                                            : yes 
Checking for iconv                                                        : yes 
Checking for w32/dos paths                                                : os-win32 not found 
Checking for glob() POSIX support                                         : yes 
Checking for glob() win32 replacement                                     : posix found 
Checking for any glob() support                                           : yes 
Checking for vt.h                                                         : yes 
Checking for consio.h                                                     : vt.h found 
Checking for gbm.h                                                        : yes 
Checking for GLIBC API for setting thread name                            : yes 
Checking for OSX API for setting thread name                              : glibc-thread-name found 
Checking for BSD API for setting thread name                              : glibc-thread-name found 
Checking for BSD's fstatfs()                                              : no 
Checking for Linux's fstatfs()                                            : yes 
Checking for Linux's input-event-codes.h                                  : yes 
Checking for Lua                                                          : yes (version found: lua51) 
Checking for Javascript (MuJS backend)                                    : no ('mujs >= 1.0.0' not found) 
Checking for SSA/ASS support                                              : yes 
Checking for zlib                                                         : yes 
Checking for Bluray support                                               : no ('libbluray >= 0.3.0' not found) 
Checking for dvdnav support                                               : disabled 
Checking for cdda support (libcdio)                                       : disabled 
Checking for uchardet support                                             : no ('uchardet' not found) 
Checking for librubberband support                                        : no ('rubberband >= 1.8.0' not found) 
Checking for libzimg support (high quality software scaler)               : no ('zimg >= 2.9' not found) 
Checking for LCMS2 support                                                : no ('lcms2 >= 2.6' not found) 
Checking for VapourSynth filter bridge                                    : no ('vapoursynth >= 24 vapoursynth-script >= 23' not found) 
Checking for libarchive wrapper for reading zip files and more            : no ('libarchive >= 3.4.0' not found) 
Checking for DVB input module                                             : disabled 
Checking for SDL2                                                         : disabled 
Checking for SDL2 gamepad input                                           : sdl2 not found 
Checking for FFmpeg library                                               : yes 
Checking for libavdevice                                                  : yes 
Checking for FFmpeg AVIOContext bytes_read statistic field                : yes 
Checking for SDL2 audio output                                            : sdl2 not found 
Checking for OSSv4 audio output                                           : no 
Checking for PulseAudio audio output                                      : no ('libpulse >= 1.0' not found) 
Checking for JACK audio output                                            : no ('jack' not found) 
Checking for OpenAL audio output                                          : disabled 
Checking for OpenSL ES audio output                                       : no 
Checking for ALSA audio output                                            : yes 
Checking for CoreAudio audio output                                       : no 
Checking for AudioUnit output for iOS                                     : no 
Checking for WASAPI audio output                                          : os-win32 not found 
Checking for SDL2 video output                                            : sdl2 not found 
Checking for Cocoa                                                        : no 
Checking for DRM                                                          : yes 
Checking for GBM                                                          : yes 
Checking for wayland-scanner                                              : no 
Checking for wayland-protocols                                            : no ('wayland-protocols >= 1.15' not found) 
Checking for Wayland                                                      : wayland-protocols not found 
Checking for Linux's memfd_create()                                       : wayland not found 
Checking for X11                                                          : yes 
Checking for Xv video output                                              : no ('xv' not found) 
Checking for OpenGL Cocoa Backend                                         : cocoa not found 
Checking for OpenGL X11/GLX (deprecated/legacy)                           : disabled 
Checking for Raspberry Pi support                                         : disabled 
Checking for EGL 1.4                                                      : no ('egl' not found) 
Checking for OpenGL X11 EGL Backend                                       : egl not found 
Checking for OpenGL DRM EGL Backend                                       : egl not found 
Checking for OpenGL Wayland Backend                                       : wayland not found 
Checking for OpenGL Win32 Backend                                         : win32-desktop not found 
Checking for OpenGL/DirectX Interop Backend                               : gl-win32 not found 
Checking for OpenGL ANGLE headers                                         : os-win32 not found 
Checking for OpenGL Win32 ANGLE Library                                   : egl-angle not found 
Checking for OpenGL Win32 ANGLE Backend                                   : egl-angle not found 
Checking for VDPAU acceleration                                           : no ('vdpau >= 0.2' not found) 
Checking for VDPAU with OpenGL/X11                                        : vdpau not found 
Checking for VAAPI acceleration                                           : no ('libva >= 1.1.0' not found) 
Checking for VAAPI (X11 support)                                          : vaapi not found 
Checking for VAAPI (Wayland support)                                      : vaapi not found 
Checking for VAAPI (DRM/EGL support)                                      : vaapi not found 
Checking for VAAPI EGL on X11                                             : vaapi-x11 not found 
Checking for VAAPI EGL                                                    : vaapi-x-egl not found 
Checking for CACA                                                         : no ('caca >= 0.99.beta18' not found) 
Checking for JPEG support                                                 : no 
Checking for Direct3D support                                             : win32-desktop not found 
Checking for libshaderc SPIR-V compiler (shared library)                  : no 
Checking for libshaderc SPIR-V compiler (static library)                  : no 
Checking for libshaderc SPIR-V compiler                                   : shaderc-shared not found 
Checking for SPIRV-Cross SPIR-V shader converter (shared library)         : no ('spirv-cross-c-shared' not found) 
Checking for SPIRV-Cross SPIR-V shader converter (static library)         : no ('spirv-cross' not found) 
Checking for SPIRV-Cross SPIR-V shader converter                          : spirv-cross-shared not found 
Checking for Direct3D 11 video output                                     : win32-desktop not found 
Checking for iOS OpenGL ES hardware decoding interop support              : no 
Checking for OpenGL without platform-specific code (e.g. for libmpv)      : libmpv-shared not found 
Checking for OpenGL context support                                       : gl-cocoa not found 
No OpenGL video output found or enabled. Aborting. If you really mean to compile without OpenGL video outputs use --disable-gl.

Am i missing necessary package or setting?

jeeb commented

config.log would show the actual failing checks.

Most likely you want some mesa related packages so you get the OpenGL etc headers&libraries. You will also require the X11 related headers and libraries so that GL plus X11 gets enabled.

jeeb commented

For additional hints, you can take a look at the dependency list in the debian bits of mpv-build .

Thanks @jeeb , now can build without error.