#Video Landing Page This includes:

  1. jQuery
  2. Bootstrap
  3. Font Awesome
  4. Heroku Deployment Config

Getting Started

Clone the repo using the GUI or terminal. To do so in terminal, use the following:

git clone https://github.com/mqschwanda/TSM-RDMA-Live-Stream.git
cd TSM-RDMA-Live-Stream

From the TSM-RDMA-Live-Stream directory, install the gems by running the following:

bundle install

To fire up the server while in the TSM-RDMA-Live-Stream directory use this command:

middleman s

If you are having issues with livereload not working fire up the server using:

middleman s --force-polling --verbose

To kill the server use ctrl+c


Create a new app on heroku using heroku-cli. Pass in the following:

heroku create YOUR-APP-NAME

To deploy, commit all changes and pass in:

git push heroku master

To deploy a non-master branch use:

git push heroku MY-NEW-BRANCH:master